Saturday, September 02, 2006

Third Ave Rocks!

So this was my second day of kiting. Yesterday I was a total disaster - I attached my center lines and backlines backwards, had my spreader bar upside down (so had to wear my harness upside down), andlost my board a couple of times...

I redeemed myself a bit today, at least I was sailing on the water a bit...attempting to stay upwind, though that was tough too. I was able to get my board back and sail most of the time, except for when I come close to landing/wind shadow area.

I hung around in the water, waited to see if someone could get my board for me. Then I felt myself drifting downwind away from the landing area, so I decided to head in even if my board wasn't coming with me.

Fortunately, a kiter named Fadhly got my board and brought it back. Everyone on the water is really nice and helpful. Everyone is watching out for one another.

Third Ave is a great place to kite. The wind was blowing around 18 knots the first day and 16/17 today. I only have to use my 9m. My 9 M is a pain in the butt though because the pigtails on my 9 are all messed up. I think I fixed it today. Hopefully I will be able to rig up my kite more quickily tomorrow, that is, if there is wind.

Oh yeah, I just learned that the season here is ending...probable at the end of Sept or beginning of Oct. I hope no earlier, or else I wouldnt know what to do with myself here...


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