Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Short and Sweet

I got to the parking lot at 2:50 today. Wind was weak. I waited for about 30 minutes until two people decided to try it out. I didn't have much choice, I have a 9m (C-kite) and a 13m (C-kite), so I took the 9m out again. I powered it up to its maximum and I can feel that the kite was barely staying up. I went out anyway, knowing two things: 1. I gotta really work the kite 2. no losing the board because there were only 4 kiters out and no one is gonna give a shit in light wind about someone's board...so I was motivated to keep my board on my feet. And I did just that.

I was really diving hte kite. I rarely have to bring my kite past 12 O'clock for the stroke, but I did today and I dove it hard. I was even going upwind a bit. I didn't want to venture out too far to where everyone else was (better wind out there) because in case the wind die down, at least I am close to the beach to come in. My kite did not leave me any more room to power up.

I staightened my front leg out today, so I was looking better (so I thought). I wasn't gonna go tomorrow, but since I had such a smooth day (plus the water was flat), I need to build my skills while they are improving. I am planning on going out tomorrow. But for one session only because I need to go dance tango tomorrow.

Oh yeah, I rode into the beach today too, that felt sooooo good.

dinner time!


At 2:14 PM, Blogger Pierkiter said...

Stacy !! Wow.. the spot seems amazing !! Tell me more about your trip and compliments for your improvements :)))
take care



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