Wednesday, September 06, 2006

lost my board...almost

I was able to stay upwind today, I was not even around the point when I lost my board. I dove the kite too hard and wasn't able to pull it back up in time, so I had to relaunch. The board was caught with my lines in front of me. So I decided to let go of the board for a second while I relaunch.

I got the kite back up, but the wind was light so I could not get back to my board, it floated upwinds away from me (maybe I just got pulled downwind). anyway, I thought I lost it because no one could find it. Just when I was about to give up, a windsurfer I met earlier yelled for me and he had my board. Thank goodness.

Well, I guess I will have to wait for a new board hehehe

(but I got better in going upwind today, so I am quite happy)


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