awesome session
I had a hellish day today. Exhausted. I was out in downtown san francisco until 230am, got home at 3am. Had to wake up at 11 to go to the bank. After lunch with my aunt (who is really sick, high fever and more), I cooked curry chicken for the family for dinner.
My aunt was basically non-functional. So after cooking I drove to Millbrae to pick up my cousin Joe and his friend Johnathan. I changed into my swimsuit at my aunt's place, took Johnathan home, and then went straight to 3rd ave. I was soo sleepy.
But of course, I was all better once I got to 3rd ave. A few kiters were on the water already. I rigged up my kite and went out with my 9m. It was light wind again. But I stayed upwinds for a really long time until the wind died down on me, so I figured that I should come back. My kite could no longer carry around.
Not only did I not lose my board, I was able to stay upwinds, really edging to both left and right side, turning my body. I was really happy with my progress. It really hit the sweet spot when I made the smoothest change of direction. Hehe, I felt like an experienced kiter for once.
After my session, two kiters came up to me and complimented my progress. I was glad =)
Anyway, after kiting, I had to be a chauffer for my cousins, taking them to music lessons. I still have to go pick up the one more kid.
I am sooo tired
lost my board...almost
I was able to stay upwind today, I was not even around the point when I lost my board. I dove the kite too hard and wasn't able to pull it back up in time, so I had to relaunch. The board was caught with my lines in front of me. So I decided to let go of the board for a second while I relaunch.
I got the kite back up, but the wind was light so I could not get back to my board, it floated upwinds away from me (maybe I just got pulled downwind). anyway, I thought I lost it because no one could find it. Just when I was about to give up, a windsurfer I met earlier yelled for me and he had my board. Thank goodness.
Well, I guess I will have to wait for a new board hehehe
(but I got better in going upwind today, so I am quite happy)
Short and Sweet
I got to the parking lot at 2:50 today. Wind was weak. I waited for about 30 minutes until two people decided to try it out. I didn't have much choice, I have a 9m (C-kite) and a 13m (C-kite), so I took the 9m out again. I powered it up to its maximum and I can feel that the kite was barely staying up. I went out anyway, knowing two things: 1. I gotta really work the kite 2. no losing the board because there were only 4 kiters out and no one is gonna give a shit in light wind about someone's I was motivated to keep my board on my feet. And I did just that.
I was really diving hte kite. I rarely have to bring my kite past 12 O'clock for the stroke, but I did today and I dove it hard. I was even going upwind a bit. I didn't want to venture out too far to where everyone else was (better wind out there) because in case the wind die down, at least I am close to the beach to come in. My kite did not leave me any more room to power up.
I staightened my front leg out today, so I was looking better (so I thought). I wasn't gonna go tomorrow, but since I had such a smooth day (plus the water was flat), I need to build my skills while they are improving. I am planning on going out tomorrow. But for one session only because I need to go dance tango tomorrow.
Oh yeah, I rode into the beach today too, that felt sooooo good.
dinner time!
Good sessions
It sure was a good day.
I woke up early to go to starbucks, sat for a bit and finished ready James Patterson's " Judge and Jury". Then I had lunch with my aunt and cousins, went to borders, bought more book, and headed home early to get ready to go kiting.
I got to 3rd ave around 2:30. The wind was already blowing. I set up my kite really quickly. I even put on my floatation device -- in case I have to swim again.
My first session was awesome, though there was this girl, Mia, she was a beginner who's been body-dragging for a while. She went out right before me and she was struggling a bit and lost her board. I was sort of stuck in place because I didn't know where she was going to go. The only way I could have gone passed her was if I went directly downwind, which I did not want to do.
After tagging back and forth on my board a bit, she finally drifted downwind so I was free to use the space again. however, another female kiter had lined up with me, we had a bit of a traffic jam, but it got sorted out --slowly. I had to try a few different things.
Second session started great, I was curving upwind quite alot because I remembered to turn my torso and look towards the direction in which I wanted to travel to. That helped. I also remembered the advice Fadhly gave me before I went out today, which was to keep my kite low. For the most part, that's what I did. I even did a smooth change of direction without having to sit back into the water. That felt awesome.
After I had finished, Fadhly came up to me and gave me another tip - to straighten my front leg...yep, I forgot to do that...damn, there are so many things to remember. I'll work on it tomorrrow.
wait 'til my mom sees what's happened to her car (well, my car, really)!
Friggin Chicken Loop!
I had a good solid first session yesterday. I got out early, around 315pm. It took a while to untangle my lines but I was able to setup quickily and get out on the water. I was sailing abit, going upwind on both sides...though I need to learn how to curve harder and longer.
Then I got greedy, I wanted to go again. I got my kite back on the upper launch area. I didnt detach my lines to save time, but it only took longer to figure my lines out. Not only that, I apparently made it worse so I had to detach my lines 3 times to straighten everything out.
Then I finally went out. Smooth start. But I realized that the wind had died down, so I powered up my kite. Then SOMETHING happened. My chicken loo came out, I was unhooked. Dammit I thought to myself.
I remember what Bart had taught me. "Let go of the bar, and just grab the loop with both hands and get it hooked on again". I tried, but I wasn't strong enough so the kite started to loop around and around. and finally went into the water. I was able to swim to my bar, hook in, and relaunch. Hwoever, I was already in the wind shadow area. So the kite fell again.
The kite was floating in the direction of the beach but just before it got there, it took a turn and the current took it down the beach, approaching the rocks. I yelled out to a windsurfer, asking him to stop my kite for me, but he refused. He probably didn't know what to do so rather not get involved.
Thank goodness a kiter Ed was also down there, his own kite had gone over to the rocks so he picked up my kite too and walked back. I was already exhausted from swimming, I could not imagine floating down even more to the rocks and attempt to rescue my kite.
A note to self: don't fuck up! Stay on the board!
Now, isn't that beautiful?
a kiter getting ready to get some air!
this was towards the end of the day, there were still about 10 kites up. When everyone was on the water, there were about 25-30 kites...and windsurfers, lots of traffic!
As you can see, lots of windsurf sails, but this is also where we pump the kite up
The Parking lot of third ave - this is where I get my gear out and change into my wetsuit
Third Ave Rocks!
So this was my second day of kiting. Yesterday I was a total disaster - I attached my center lines and backlines backwards, had my spreader bar upside down (so had to wear my harness upside down), andlost my board a couple of times...
I redeemed myself a bit today, at least I was sailing on the water a bit...attempting to stay upwind, though that was tough too. I was able to get my board back and sail most of the time, except for when I come close to landing/wind shadow area.
I hung around in the water, waited to see if someone could get my board for me. Then I felt myself drifting downwind away from the landing area, so I decided to head in even if my board wasn't coming with me.
Fortunately, a kiter named Fadhly got my board and brought it back. Everyone on the water is really nice and helpful. Everyone is watching out for one another.
Third Ave is a great place to kite. The wind was blowing around 18 knots the first day and 16/17 today. I only have to use my 9m. My 9 M is a pain in the butt though because the pigtails on my 9 are all messed up. I think I fixed it today. Hopefully I will be able to rig up my kite more quickily tomorrow, that is, if there is wind.
Oh yeah, I just learned that the season here is ending...probable at the end of Sept or beginning of Oct. I hope no earlier, or else I wouldnt know what to do with myself here...